During the month of July I wrote two blog posts for the popular Practical Business Python blog. The Practical Business Python blog is one of the top 20 most popular blogs on python with about 200.000 visits per month.

The posts focus on how you can build an automation system that generates Html reports from excel files. The system uses python, jupyter, papermill, subprocess and Rclone.

Here are the links to both parts:

These posts were featured in the Python Bytes podcast (jump to 12:39):

The architecture of the automation solution and final script follow:


Here is the code I used to automatically sync the reports on server:

import subprocess
import sys
import papermill as papermill

REMOTE_FOLDER = "your cloud folder name"
LOCAL_FOLDER = "your local folder name"
TEMPLATE_NOTEBOOK = "template_notebook.ipynb"

def get_new_files(remote_folder, local_folder):
    A function that returns files that were uploaded to the cloud folder and 
    do not exist in our local folder. 
    # list the files in our cloud folder
    list_cloud = subprocess.run(
        ["rclone", "lsf", f"remote:{remote_folder}"],

    # transform the command output into a list
    cloud_directories = list_cloud.split("\n")[0:-1]

    print(f"In the cloud we have: \n{cloud_directories}")

    # list the files in our local folder
    list_cloud = subprocess.run(
        ["ls", local_folder], capture_output=True, text=True

    # transform the command output into a list
    local_directories = list_cloud.stdout.split("\n")[0:-1]

    print(f"In the local copy we have: \n{local_directories}")

    # create a list with the differences between the two lists above
    new_files = list(set(cloud_directories) - set(local_directories))

    return new_files

def sync_directories(remote_folder, local_folder):
    A function that syncs a remote folder with a local folder
    with rclone. 
    sync = subprocess.run(
        ["rclone", "sync", f"remote:{remote_folder}", local_folder]

    print("Syncing local directory with cloud....")
    return sync.returncode

def run_notebook(excel_report, template_notebook):
    A function that runs a notebook against an excel report
    via papermill. 
    no_extension_name = excel_report.split(".")[0]
    return no_extension_name

def generate_html_report(notebook_file):
    A function that converts a notebook into an html
    generate = subprocess.run(
        ["jupyter", "nbconvert", notebook_file, "--to=html"]
    print("HTML Report was generated")
    return True

def push_to_cloud(remote_folder, filename):
    A function that pushes to a remote cloud folder
    a specific file. 

    push = subprocess.run(
        ["rclone", "copy", filename, f"remote:{remote_folder}"]
    print("Report Published!!!")

def main():
    print("Starting updater..")

    # detect if there are new files in the remote folder
    new_files = get_new_files(
        remote_folder=REMOTE_FOLDER, local_folder=LOCAL_FOLDER

    # if there are none, exit
    if not new_files:
        print("Everything is synced. No new files.")
    # else, continue
        print("There are files missing.")

    # sync directories to get new excel report
    sync_directories(remote_folder=REMOTE_FOLDER, local_folder=LOCAL_FOLDER)

    # generate new notebook and extract the name
    clean_name = run_notebook(new_files[0])

    # the new notebook generate will have the following name
    notebook_name = f"{clean_name}.ipynb"

    # generate the html report from the notebook

    # the notebook name will be the following
    html_report_name = f"{clean_name}.html"

    # push the new notebook to the cloud
    push_to_cloud(html_report=html_report_name, remote_folder=ONEDRIVE_FOLDER)

    # make sure everything is synced again
    sync_directories(remote_folder=REMOTE_FOLDER, local_folder=LOCAL_FOLDER)

    print("Updater finished.")

    return True

if __name__ == "main":